The drug is also used to ease pain and improve quality of life for people who are terminally ill. So how, exactly, does medical marijuana work to treat these conditions? Why, if this medicine is so effective for some people, does it remain controversial and, in many places, illegal? In...
However the map "looks," it stays uniform for the number-form synesthete. So we got it: There are lots of synesthesia forms out there. But why in the world do they occur? Sweet Personalities, Sharp Laughter So if synesthetes see the number five as red, does that mean red means ...
So, to understand how antidepressants work, we must look at the process of neurotransmission. Note Many addictive drugs (like cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, heroin and marijuana) affect the same pathways and neurotransmitters as MDD does. Your brain and nervous system are made of nerve cells, ...
Serotonin is produced as needed by the nervous system, mainly the brain, but also by carcinoid tumors are slow-growing masses that can form in the gastrointestinal tract (especially in the appendix) and in the lungs, although they may affect other organs as well. They are one of several typ...
So, to understand how antidepressants work, we must look at the process of neurotransmission. Note Many addictive drugs (like cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, heroin and marijuana) affect the same pathways and neurotransmitters as MDD does. Your brain and nervous system are made of nerve cells, ...
One researcher has posited that in non-synesthetes, information in a multisensory area travels back easily to its single-sense area, but in synesthetes it gets a bit mixed up along the way. Taking something like LSD might mean that the subsequent change in neurochemistry causes those ...
Historically, glia has been considered as an accessory cellular compartment helping neuronal cells in their "noble" functions, chiefly nerve impulse transmission and synaptic communication. Over the last ten years, the concept of a tripartite synapse including the contribution of astrocytes to the ...