using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ButtonPopup : MonoBehaviour, ITrackableEventHandler { private TrackableBehaviour mTrackableBehaviour; private bool mShowGUIButton = false; private Rect mButtonRect = new Rect(50,50,120,60); void Start () { mTrackableBehaviour = ...
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Profiling; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { BoxParameter bParameter; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Profiler.BeginSample("Start Example"); bParameter = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent<ZombieInventory>().box; ...
However, when I change the color of the decal's material the color of the decal does not change! How can I change the color of a decal in Unity using Universal Render Pipeline? [RequireComponent(typeof(DecalProjector))] public class DecalTinter : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private Color...
0.5f,0));if(Physics.Raycast(ray,outRaycastHit hit,2)){InteractWithObject(hit.collider.gameObject);}}}voidInteractWithObject(GameObject objectToInteractWith){if(objectToInteractWith.TryGetComponent(outIClickable clickableObject)){clickableObject.Interact...
By Piotr KorzuszekUnity Development Expert Share This Content How does it work? Getting the required data The shader Finding out where to snow Snow texture Merging it! Summary Have you ever wondered how much time does it take to apply snow to all of the textures in your game? Probably a ...
videoGUItex =this.GetComponent<GUITexture>(); //get the attached AudioSource movieAS =this.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //load the movie texture from the resources folder mTex = (MovieTexture)Resources.Load(movieName); //set the AudioSource clip to be the same as the movie texture audio ...
Ever want to blow up your friends? Learn how to make a game like a Bomberman with Unity 3D in this step by step tutorial that will have you setting bombs off with ease.
In the final part of this series, you will generate some coins and lasers, construct a scrolling background, all to some fancy beats.
Runtime; using UnityEngine; public class TestBehaviorTreeSerialize : MonoBehaviour { public string Json; public BehaviorTree behaviorTree; private void Awake() { behaviorTree = GetComponent<BehaviorTree>(); } [ContextMenu("Save")] private void Save() { BehaviorSource source = behaviorTree.Get...
movieAS =this.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //set the AudioSource clip to be the same as the movie texture audio clip movieAS.clip = mTex.audioClip; } //Use this for initialization voidStart() { //assign the video texture to the material texture ...