How does Rett syndrome affect the body? Is Down syndrome a neurological disease? How can neurological disorders affect the body? How does Rett syndrome affect the brain? How does acute respiratory distress syndrome affect functional residual capacity? Is Down syndrome a degenerative disease? How does...
Down syndrome traits were first identified in 1886 by Langdon Down, a renowned British physician. During embryonic development within the mother`s womb, the presence of down syndrome is assessed through prenatal testing. However, a child with Down syndrome presents the following features; a short ...
Your mental health affects the health of your whole body, including your oral health. People who have mental health problems are more likely to have oral health conditions like teeth and gum problems. Good oral health also affects your overall health and can help improve your mental health. Imp...
What does science say? Marijuana has been usedmedicinally for centuries, and instates where medical marijuana is legalit has been cleared to treat a variety of conditions that affect sleep or cause nausea or pain. Despite its taboo past, some researchers are finding correlations between sexual pl...
Your brain sends messages all over your body. Researchers believe your gut may talk back. Studies show that the balance of bacteria in the gut microbiome may affect your emotions and the way your brain processes information from your senses, like sights, sounds, flavors, or textures. ...
Down Syndrome can affect the way the body produces or responds to hormones causing hormonal disorders that contribute to obesity problems and Type 1 diabetes. People with Down Syndrome also suffer from skeletal problems caused by too much flexibility between the bones at the top...
If not, an evidence-based program developed to fight against discrimination of one type of mental disability (e.g., schizophrenia) may turn out to be inefficient for another type of mental disability (e.g., Down syndrome). In other words, ensuring that one encompasses the full spectrum of ...
Transcript:Kim Mills: PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, has long been the subject of tired, sexist jokes and stereotypes about moody and irrational women. But psychologists who study hormones in the brain say that these stereotypes are wrong on several coun
Mental health issues can also make it harder to achieve healthy sleep. How Does Sleep Affect Mental Health? Sleep affects mental health in a number of ways. The body, and particularly the brain, needs sleep to function properly. Vital cognitive processes, like memory consolidation and neural ...
Does an assumption that I will fail inhibit me from taking action? Do I experience imposter syndrome? Do I think negative thoughts about myself, such as: “Why can’t I do anything right?” If you tend to answer yes to these questions, you may have a more pessimistic mind...