Health and mental Health aspects of adults with Down syndromeTasse, M
IDENTIFYING THE LINKS BETWEEN COMMON MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS AND DEMENTIA ONSET IN A DOWN SYNDROME COHORT coping strategy-training program led to improve family's perception towards the child and subsequently promote of mental health of mothers with Down children... M Idris,F Saini,S Pape,... ...
The prevalence and incidence of mental ill-health in adults with Down syndrome: observational study Objectives: to construct and validate educational videos as part of the LISA Down Program 鈥Literacy and Innovation in Health for Adolescents with Down Syn... D. Mantry,S. Cooper,E. Smiley,......
唐氏综合症(Downsyndrome) 法国遗传学家杰罗姆?勒琼(jeromelejeune)发现唐氏综合症是 由人体的第21对染色体的三体变异造成的现象.这也是人类首次发 现的染色体缺陷造成的疾病. 1961年,唐氏综合症"一词于由thelancet的编辑首先使用. 1965年,who将这一病症正式定名为"唐氏综合症. ...
Down Syndrome Symptoms Down syndrome can have many effects, and it’s different for each person. Some will grow up to live almost entirely on their own, while others will need more help taking care of themselves. Mental abilities vary, but most people with Down syndrome have mild to moderate...
Aging and Dementia among Adults with Mental Retardation and Down Syndrome The life expectancy of people with mental retardation has dramatically increased over the past several decades. However, relatively little attention has be... W Silverman,WB Zigman,H Kim,... - 《Topics in Geriatric Rehabilita...
History of Down Syndrome: Historically, civilisation has come a long way in understanding and treating people with Down's Syndrome
Nielsen, and N. Tolstrup: Galactosaemia locus and the Down’s syndrome chromosome. Lancet II 1963, 700–703. Google Scholar Breg, W. R., J. G. Cornwell, and O. J. Miller: The association of a triple-x syndrome and mongolism in two families. Amer. J. Dis. Child. 104, 534–...
The prevalence and incidence of mental ill-health in adults with Down syndrome The prevalence, and incidence, of mental ill-health in adults with intellectual disabilities and autism were compared with the whole population with intell... CA Melville,SA Cooper,J Morrison,... - 《Journal of Inte...