it may seem counterintuitive, but an elevated TSH means that you do not have enough thyroid hormone on board and that you are hypothyroid. This is because the TSH hormone senses low thyroid levels and is released when there is a lack of it,...
Many patients are told their TSH is in the “normal” range, but their levels are actually on the higher side of this range, which could be one reason why they may find it harder to lose weight. Functional medicine practitioners have further defined that normal reference ranges should be bet...
Lately I am using comfrey cream topical and eggshells and horsetail (silica) Vit D-3+K-2, Magnesium, MSM and vit C, vit E, A, Folic acid, Biotin, Selenium, copper, zinc, Burdock root, Walnut tincture topically on lips, borax and epson salt foot soaks 3 x a week(borax takes ...
13. Take Biotin Known as the hair, nail and skin vitamin, biotin is a B vitamin that will make your hair grow incredibly fast! I grew my eyelashes out in 3 months by taking biotin every single day. I like supplements that are allergen friendly, like Sundown Naturals, and it's good to...
“It’s commonly thought that not shampooing as often will minimize hair loss, but the truth is, the frequency with which you wash your hair will not affect the amount of hair you lose,” says Salinger. “The hair that is ready to fall will fall.” If your blood work is normal, cons...
Unlike radiation or surgery, which target specific areas, chemo can work throughout your body. It kills cancer cells, but it can also affect some fast-growing healthy cells, like those of the skin, hair, intestines, mouth, and bone marrow. That’s what causes some of the side effects fro...