It may be attracted to the oil, but saliva does more than just keep your mouth moist. It's antibacterial, which means it fights germs in your mouth, and it's rich in salivary proteins that fight cavities, as well as minerals to strengthen tooth enamel [source: Dowd]. Adding oil seems...
I had sepsis from an abscessed tooth. But I’m alive and well but still very weak. I’m glad you’re back Kristi as I so enjoy your blog. Reply Brenda Pawloski says: June 1, 2020 at 1:31 pm Missed you, Kristi, and agree with you 100% about masks and over bearing governors....
You may feel weak and become dehydrated, so be sure to drink water. Seek medical attention if your fever continues to rise or does not respond to medication, or if you run a temperature of over 103°F (39.4°C) for several days. Expert Q&A Question What should I do if a tooth ...