A tooth abscess is a pus filled bump that appears on your gums. These are caused by teeth that are rotten and decaying. It is an infection that can be life threatening if not tended to properly. It is best to seek the help of a dentist, to properly remove the dead or dying tooth....
A wisdom tooth abscess could be very critical. The infection could spread to your throat or sinus and cause a health emergency. If you have to wait a few days to see your dentist you should be placed on antibiotics. Antibiotics should keep the infection from spreading. Expert Answers At w...
Gupta, DeekshaOral Health (0974-3960)
How Does A Cavity Happen? If you often consume sugary drinks or foods, a dental cavity can occur if a tooth is frequently exposed to acid. Over time, acids that continuously attack your teeth may lead to the demineralization of your tooth enamel. Reversible white spots on your teeth mean y...
There are numerous factors causing toothache such as an infection, cavities, a cracked tooth, an exposed tooth root, a loose filling, gum disease, or jaw joint disorder. A toothache occurs when pulp, a central of region of the tooth, gets inflamed and irritated. The possible reason may be...
First of all, you have been concerned (wisely) about his teeth issues for a while. It does seem as if nutritional deficiencies are a problem. Even children with pretty limited or inadequate diets do not always have this many dental problems (they often take longer to develop.) So you ...
case of malocclusion. The teeth have been allowed to become severely overgrown. Since the teeth grow at a rate of roughly 1/2 inch per month, it only takes a few months for the teeth to become this overgrown. This animal probably cannot chew without a tooth digging into his flesh ...
Crowns.Dentists use crowns when a tooth is so badly decayed that there’s not much healthy enamel left. They’ll take out and repair the damaged part, then fit a crown made from gold, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal over the rest of the tooth. ...
In most cases, it is caused by a tooth root abscessas many of the upper tooth roots sit right next to the inside of the eye. Why do rabbits’ eyes turn white? These includediet, genetics, infection, or even trauma to the eye. ...
You know what’ll happen. It’ll get worse and worse. And if you don’t deal with it, the situation could become life threatening, deadly even. You see, the tooth could develop, what they call, “abscess,” which basically means the bacteria ends up coursing through your entire body....