Violet Primrose Blooms in the Chill of Early Spring! Are you searching for a low-maintenance perennial that blooms in early Spring? Tropical Butterfly Irises After Spring rain showers, Tropical Butterfly irises opened up & bloomed! Virginia Beach Flora -- Hydrangea ...
For a gardener, there is nothing quite like the feeling ofwandering around your garden, in the spring, and seeing the first growth of perennials that you have planted years before. These plants die back in the winter but send out new growth each spring. This guide to perennials is a great...
Iris flowers are spring blooming bulbs. Orchid-like flowers appear on upright stalks. Irises are available as bulbs with clipped roots and leaves. They can remain out of the ground for a couple of weeks, but they need planting as soon as possible. Planting iris bulbs in the fall gives the...
The first fruits of spring are excused for their tartness, and I can understand how they would have been valued in northern climates centuries ago before international shipping. Tart or not, I can’t keep the little ones off them. How to Grow Honeyberries Honeyberries are generally grown from...
Sowing: Direct sow in late fall, pressing into the surface of the soil. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for
In years past you could find me each fall, out in the garden with my bulb digger, planting a multitude of spring blooming bulbs. I think my record year (as far as bulb planting effort is concerned) was 450 bulbs. My house looked FABULOUS! But that was a lot of work. For all you ...
an easier time if you do this during the cooler temperatures of early spring or fall. The soil temperatures are likewise cooler and help plants to adjust better. The nice thing about doing a makeover in the fall is that the next year everything will be settled in and ready to take off...
Dianthus are cool-season plants that thrive in spring and fall. They withstand a light frost but may exhibit signs of stress below 40°F. Most varieties struggle in hot, humid conditions and stop blooming when the temperature rises in summer. ...