How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Step 1: Conduct a Trademark Search Before you can file a trademark application, you have to first conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure the slogan is not already in use, or confusingly similar to another mark. One way to do this is through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (...
How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Get It Right the First Time: Avoiding Trademark Pitfalls with an Appropriate Strategy Filing an International Trademark Can a Trademark for 'SEAL Team 6' Be Registered? Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Also, a trademark not used for more than three years is liable to be removed. This period is calculated from the on which the trademark was entered. When you trademark a slogan, you have the exclusive right to use it to make money. You can defend your slogan from infringement, and you...
A fraudulent site may choose to use the name or slogan of your brand spelled incorrectly (thus avoiding trademark issues) and still end up being ranked higher than it should be. Likewise, someone may ‘squat’ on a domain name that should ideally belong to you. For example, you may have...
This means that you can register a trademark for your business name, logo, slogan, symbol, design, and anything else that contributes to the brand identity of your company and the products or services that you offer. Your trademark is used to notify others that your company’s products, name...
The right slogan can be of great value to your brand identity, and so learning how to trademark one is a vital Intellectual Property (IP) lesson.
How to Register a Slogan With the Trademark Office. A slogan is a form of intellectual property. By trademarking your slogan, you protect it from being used by other entities. To trademark a slogan, it must be used to directly identify your brand; if the
In this sense, the function of the trademark is to address the question “which?”, rather than “what?” So if you have a successful burger, you want to make sure that consumers never confuse it with other burgers. How do you do it? You mark the exterior of your restaurant with yo...
Here are the main reasons to trademark your logo: Priority: By registering your logo as a trademark, you have the priority to use it. So, let’s say there is someone in your geographic area who wants to use a similar logo. There’s not much you can do to prevent them from doing so...