How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Avoid These 7 Trademark Mistakes Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Step 1: Conduct a Trademark Search Before you can file a trademark application, you have to first conduct a thorough trademark search to ensure the slogan is not already in use, or confusingly similar to another mark. One way to do this is through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (...
How to Trademark a Phrase or Slogan Get It Right the First Time: Avoiding Trademark Pitfalls with an Appropriate Strategy Filing an International Trademark Can a Trademark for 'SEAL Team 6' Be Registered? Top Get helpful tips and info from our newsletter!
Determine whether your slogan has already been registered by another entity. If the slogan is already registered, you cannot use it. To determine if your slogan is already registered, use the Trademark Electronic Search System, an online database maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark...
Also, a trademark not used for more than three years is liable to be removed. This period is calculated from the on which the trademark was entered. When you trademark a slogan, you have the exclusive right to use it to make money. You can defend your slogan from infringement, and you...
You can start to weave a safety net for your slogan even before it has been formally approved for trademark status. One way to do this is to file an international trademark application through the WIPO's Madrid System on the basis of your first domestic filing. As long as your initial app...
Any thing that helps to describe your company's services or product should be very important and therefore protected. One of the first steps to register a trademark is to ensure that you haven't chosen a name, logo, or slogan that is already taken and registered. You will have to do a...
Can I Trademark My Company's Internet Domain Name? Yes, if the domain name is used to identify your brand, you can trademark it for additional protection. Can I Trademark My Company Slogan? Yes, slogans that represent your brand and are unique can be trademarked to protect them from unauth...
This means that you can register a trademark for your business name, logo, slogan, symbol, design, and anything else that contributes to the brand identity of your company and the products or services that you offer. Your trademark is used to notify others that your company’s products, name...
If someone is using your logo or attempting to trademark a logo that is too similar to yours, here’s what you can do: Infringement lawsuits If you find your trademark being infringed upon, you can send the infringer a cease and desist letter demanding that they stop using the mark. Inf...