Variations:Teploušský,Teplý, Teplotechna, Teplomet, Teplajzník, Teplochod, Teplomet, Teplomilná kytička (termophilic flower), Teplý bratr (warm brother), Termoska. Can you help us with this dictionary? You can do it in two ways, sending anemailwith some words you know, an...
Post in our blog in Spanish. + Spinatstecher In the German language, when are used expressions whose first element is Spinat- in the context of homosexual men and male homosexuality, is metaphorically speaking of the feces, since Spinat translated into the English language is spinach, the ...
Rather than try and analyze what are the components of the great lasting pop song, let's just say that all great songs that last are what my music teacher used to tell me: they are always internalized. They're songs that you can't get out of your head no matter how much you try....
Like in English, there are a few ways to say this vegetable in German.Gartenkürbisliterally translates to “garden pumpkin,” and it most accurately translates to a marrow, which is a type of immature zucchini (also known as a courgette in the United Kingdom). die Aubergine(Aubergine)/die...
Two studies were conducted to better understand how children with intellectual disabilities (ID) empathize with the feelings of others during social intera
We just want to tell people to do what they want, because there's no rules in this world. During this media showcase for this album, you said that you need to love yourself first before you love others. Have you all reached that stage where you can say that you love yourselv...
“There wasn’t space for people making music in Spanish with all those influences. Then suddenly, fast-forward 10 years later, that’s mainstream. Suddenly the world let its guard down and said: ‘No, all of these styles of music can be valuable, and they can be a part of a two-...
As an Army Brat, I know that the mission must always be completed. We don’t quit. No matter how hard things get, we don’t quit. I have projects that I started, so I must finish them. The book is for my father. He was a career soldier who quit school at age 12. He joined...
On the other hand, a language might have two words for one English word. In Czech they saybratranecfor a male cousin andsestřenicefor a female cousin. Lots of fun things can happen with pronouns. Malay has two words for “we” depending on whether the person you’re talking to is ...
In the background Mir Two is being lowered into its cradle on deck by a massive hydraulic arm. Mir One is already recovered with Lewis Bodine following Brock Lovett as he bounds over to the safe like a kid on Christman morning. BODINE Who's the best? Say it. LOVETT You are, Lewis...