The word Buses derives from the surname Busses, of a young male and spoilt brat, who lived in the 80s in Lima. Homophobic and probably with sexual conflicts had fondness for walking by the famous Kenedy Park, place chosen for cruising and lubricious deals for faggots, transvestites and hustl...
palabrotaswear word niño de mamámama’s boy SpanishEnglish idiotaidiot imbécilmoron tontofool pringadosucker cagadoscaredy cat patéticolame creídoshow off engreídobigheaded fastidioa pain in the neck malcriadospoiled brat ¡Cállate!Shut up!
a[CLS]symbol is added at the beginning of every input sentence (forclassificationpurposes) and a[SEP](separator) token is put to separate each segment from the next one. The input text is split into word units (typically, at punctuation signs and white space...
Onomatopoeia are words with peculiar phonological features and expressive capacity which distinguish them from other types of words. These traits together with other elements related to their use in each language often pose a challenge for translators of specific language combinations. This article analyse...