If you opted for Exlax, be sure to crush the pills into a powder to mix with food, or if you’ve already purchased the powder, you’ll be good to go. Magnesium citrate is great in juice, which we’d go that route if you wanted to mix up some Koolaid. Laxative Prank Recipes Her...
Do some research. reply thumper January 25, 2016 Coconut oil is a big part of VG! reply Shane September 12, 2016 Pg in powder form is sold as a mild laxative, just supporting kevins statement pg in pharmaceuticals, otc version is Miralax reply TriG June 3, 2017 That’s not ...
Fill the cap of the Miralax bottle with the powder to the white pre-measured line within the cap. Empty the cap into the beverage and stir with a spoon. The Miralax dissolves in the beverage. Drink the mixture once a day only. The Miralax website says the powder has no taste. Tips M...