Biology Controlled Assessment. Kenishia Pascal 10x3. Investigating How Different Concentration Effects The Rate Of Reaction. Strategy A Possible Factors *...
The concept of moles and equivalents, and thus millimoles and milliequivalents is of vital importance in medicine and clinical pharmacology.
How do enzymes regulate the rate of chemical change? Urease is an enzyme. What are its substrate and the products it produces? Describe the pH change in this reaction. What are the factors that affect enzyme functions? a. Calculate the enzyme reaction rate. b. Describe the effect of tempera...
How do you calculate Q10, and what does it tell us about thermal sensitivity of a given reaction or process? Describe how the interaction between v-Snares and t-Snares facilitates vesicle fusion. Explain how action potentials work and the phases that are involved. What is Reaction Time?...
So how do you use scent anchoring to your advantage? As it turns out, there's a very easy way to start the process – and all it involves is exposing yourself to certain scents regularly and intentionally. For example, if you want to anchor the scent of your favorite cologne to a feel...
Obtaining constant drug release is considered an urgent necessity to obtain sustained drug level in tumor tissue which can lead to a lower dose requirement. For example, paclitaxel gelatin nanoparticles are highly effective in the treatment of bladder cancer because the rate of paclitaxel release from...
For example, EcoRI diffuses along linear DNA at a rate of approximately 7 x 106bp s-1 (4) and EcoRV diffuses at approximately 1.7 x 106bp s-1 (5). During this process a large number of water molecules appear to fill the spaces between the enzyme and the DNA. Once the cognate (...
how do you determine the slow step in reaction mechanism Mathematics for dummies Calculate the Lambda of exponential value + C# code Lowest Common Multiple in ionic compounds use the windows command line to multiply activities for algebra coefficient example of fraction formula quadratic equa...
How do plants produce ATP?. Ans: Hint: ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is a molecule that provides energy within cells. It is the cell's primary source of energy, and it is produced by photophosphorylation (adding a phosphate group to a molecule usin...
even if the questions are high quality on these measures, they may or may not help students learn biology. Although we did not measure learning gains in this experiment, we did ask judges to rate the pedagogical benefits of the question. This was intended to be a weak proxy for measuring ...