That entire session ground to a halt and our characters went to do something else and let this giant gold orb the size of a carriage sit there.I don't like the old Grim Tooth Traps from back in the day for being death traps as that tends to encourage the Player vs DM mindset unless...
First Adventure- A well balanced mix of exploration, role-playing, riddles, combat and tons of fun suited for both DnD kids and adults! Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon- A highly obnoxious and mildly ridiculous collection of traps, combat, and puzzles designed to test your players' wi...
A high Constitution can help withstand poison from traps or catching a suspect during a chase. But my favorite usage is trying to get an NPC drunk while remaining relatively sober to see what they spill. It’s also worth mentioning tools and other proficiencies. If you’re running a murder...
In effect, they are calling your bluff: you now either have to play along and laugh it off with them, running the encounter as a farce, or, you have to follow through and do what Derrig would do if they responded like that: kill them all and go back to town explaining how h...
Perception and Investigation at some point through feats or multiclassing or being a rogue or bard and having a decent Int or Wisdom - along with potentially getting a good Dexterity, as you will have to make a lot of Sleight of Hand and Acrobatics checks to prevent triggering traps or...
Germ cells are the only cells in the body capable of giving rise to a new organism, and this totipotency hinges on their ability to assemble membraneless germ granules. These specialized RNA and protein complexes are hallmarks of germ cells throughout their life cycle: as embryonic germ granules...
how to function — with a basic level of proficiency — in the D&D world. Because there’s some s$&% that’s always going to come up in the D&D world. Like wilderness travel and social interaction and dealing with traps and locked things and potentially hidden things. Especially if you ...
The loop traps the hair and a fast pull on the thread pull out the hair from its roots. Once the hair is out, it takes a while before it grows back. This is mainly because of the hair removal from the follicle. It also gives the brow a defined look because the hair comes out in...
You have fallen in with this group and decided they will have to do. Now you have to mold them and get them skilled enough to be useful to you. You have to overcome your own tendencies toward loner-ship and learn to work with a team. I don't know if you have...
The typical known means to defend against Hide from Dragons are focused around dragons inside his lair, like using non-dragon minions, traps, magical alarms, dispelling screens and what-not, but that's all only valid for a static environment. How could he deal with...