The assist rules make more sense: they give the person who's primary skillset is the perception (the thief) the responsibility for checking for traps, and you don't have to have the whole party line up and each one in turn check each section of each wall and flo...
traps?To claim total cover from a tower shield, you must use astandard action. The tower shield rules don’t say that, but that’swhat they mean. Since you can take only one standard actioneach round, you cannot also attack, cast a spell, activate amagic item (except for some use-...
Likewise, when it comes to traps, don't check for traps unless one of your players tells you to. I had a rogue DMPC (actually a rogue/monk, but that's not important) and I would only check for traps if another player (since I was the only rogue or rogue-like character in the pa...
ance 25, understand, speak, and read all languages and speakdirectly to all beings within 15 miles, remote communication,godly realm, teleport without error at will, fast movement, uncannydodge (cannot be flanked, +4 against traps), SR 37, divine aura(50 ft., DC 22).Saves: Fort +36, ...
### 3. 谜题和陷阱 (Puzzles and Traps) 探索中可能遇到需要解决的谜题或避开的陷阱。解决谜题可能需要特定的技能检定,而陷阱可能造成伤害或其他后果。 ### 4. 环境挑战 (Environmental Challenges) 角色可能会遇到环境挑战,如恶劣天气、疾病或饥渴。这些挑战可能需要特定的技能或资源来克服。 ##...
The starting ability Second-Story Work makes Thieves faster climbers and gives them a longer running jump, while Fast Hands adds Sleight of Hand checks, disarming traps, opening locks and ‘Using’ objects to the list of things they can do with a Bonus Action. If you’re fighting in a cha...
First Adventure- A well balanced mix of exploration, role-playing, riddles, combat and tons of fun suited for both DnD kids and adults! Yeryl's Super Happy Fun Murder Dungeon- A highly obnoxious and mildly ridiculous collection of traps, combat, and puzzles designed to test your players' wi...
Beware abominable snow creatures, ingenious traps, and lava monsters in Adventure 024: Mount Minotaur. 3 BOOKS $29.99 The Town Trilogy: Adventures 019, 020, 021 What is a ragtag party of second-level adventurers to do when a Giant wanders into town, in Adventure 019: A Giant Problem. No...
Besides that, you have some ‘back pocket’ options that are useful at times.Mage Hand 5e, which allows you to manipulate objects from a distance, can be vital for steering your party through the traps and puzzles of a dungeon, and Prestidigitation 5e can be shrewdly used to navigate enta...
Turn the map into a minefield of traps or consider how extreme weather can change the battle at hand. Finally, give your players a secondary objective. Why are they in this fight? Do they have to keep it quiet? Do they have to steal something? Or protect someone? Think about it and ...