It seems to me wrong to kill and eat a horse that is not only beautiful to look at, but has served man in so many vital capacities, when cows require the same maintenance but do nothing else for us but provide food. The pig is intelligent, but not of the sort that can be ...
Whether leather makes up 1%, 5% or 20% of the total earning potential, it’s significant enough to be motivated to breed and slaughter more cows even for that percentage of money. What about other animals we kill for leather? Leather is made from just about any animal skin you can imagin...
And the sad fact is, theNational Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), the organization many have been trusting to represent your interests, has betrayed you by allowing itself to be used as the Judas Goat to lead the industry to sustainable slaughter. To bring the cattle industry into line ...
Where to stay in Yudanaka:In Yudanaka, we splurged on a stayin a cosy ryokan, which is something you have to experience at least once in Japan. With prices often reaching as high as $300 a night for the experience, I was thrilled when I stumbled across a more budget option in Yudanaka...
(most of them are older than I) and they are determined to make everyone eat the plants (and the bugs) and to ban cows, because they still have this vision in their heads, and they want to make sure that everyone does the thing they said they would do, back when they read the ...
Studies have shown that captive dolphins do not do as well in tanks or pens as they do in the wild, often showing repetitive behavior or becoming aggressive to other animals and people. Captive cetacean facilities perpetuate the capture and brutal slaughter of wild dolphins at The Cove in Taiji...
I will also introduce the other actors who were involved with badgers, cows and M. bovis at the time, exploring the other traces and roles that these organisms had already left while interacting with people. These traces—and the varying interpretations of them made by different people—...
near the waters edge, there appears a head missing a torso and legs. This virtual slaughter house is made slightly worse by the realization the head is that of a woman and the legs are that of a man. I leave it to you to determine which, if either, is improved by the addition of ...
Ambient levels of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) have risen sharply in the last five decades to become a ubiquitous, continuous, biologically active environmental pollutant, even in rural and remote areas. Many species of flora and fauna, becau
maybe i can help, i have been in the meat and sausage business for years. Darin said on July 30, 2009 I would like to know how much is the initial capital to start a meat shop and slaughter house? Please email: thembisile said on August ...