Wagyu beef cows are usually slaughtered at around 30 months, unlike their traditional counterparts, which are slaughtered at 18 months. A major determinant of whether these cattle are ready for slaughter is their weight. Wagyu cattle typically weigh about 1,500 pounds before they are considered rea...
It was the single greatest migration of people in a shortest amount of time. The gold rush was a very dark period in American history and it shouldn’t be celebrated; the Native American’s were slaughtered in American thirst for gold Explosions of violence from both natives and settlers ...
After two years of caring for meat chickens and falling in love with the birds only for them to be slaughtered, I decided to buy my own chickens. At 11 years old, I started my first of many entrepreneurial ventures to save money for my own flock of layer breeds. Pretty soon, I proudl...
thereby contributing to the extensive differences in the countless number of cheeses produced from cow's milk. There are more than four dozen breeds of cows that produce milk suitable for making cheese. The majority of the mild and subtly sweet white milk that most of us have become accustomed...
Oftentimes, when we start practicing more proficient swine husbandry, around two months to three months before the pig is going to be slaughtered, we actually reduce the amount of crude protein down to 14%. Maybe even 12%, depending on the breed. The reason why we will do that is because...
But whether you want to call leather a co-product, by-product or direct product, there’s no hiding the fact that animals are exploited, slaughtered and monetised for their skin. However, as a culture, we’ve become dependent on leather. Heck, I was hooked on leather before I was vegan...
cows burping cause 2.4% of the methane put into the atmosphere. Millions of cattle are raised and/or butchered for our addiction to dairy, meat and leather items. Their methane burps also get trapped in our atmosphere which in turn cause warmer weather, which then continues to melt our ...
There were cows in VN before the French arrived. Viet people used them as draft animals, not for food. Then the French slaughtered cows for beef steaks and the chewy bits inspired pho. Then people just took it in new directions. But the broth is always delicately clear and aromatic. And...
In Finland a refiner called Neste has made biofuels from the waste products of slaughtered cows and pigs. It has dropped small quantities of them into the fuel systems of Boeing Dreamliners. But the availability of all biofuels, even those from energy crops, is constrained by the shortage of ...
to edible meat, at least four times more efficient than pigs, and twice as efficient as chickens, according to the FAO. And unlike other farmed animals, crickets are raised in compact, multi-story farms with comparatively little water, and are “slaughtered” humanely through a freezing process...