OpEdNews Quotation: How odd of God to choose the Jews.Ogden Nash
Do you view your circumstances through the lens of Scripture or do you allow your circumstances to dictate how you “see” God? It seems the people of Zechariah’s day began to allow the latter. They needed some encouragement to refocus on God and keep going. Is it possible that God’s ...
God created both Adam and Lilith from the Earth, but there was soon trouble between them. Lilith refused to take a subservient position to Adam, since she came from the same place he did. In one ancient version of the legend, Lilith left Eden and began birthing her own children. God ...
What is Judaism and what do Jews believe? Learn about the Jewish faith and its doctrines, history and beginning, major beliefs, texts, branches, and other facts. Related to this Question How is the Torah used? How old is the Torah?
Take time today to reach out and, in doing so, make your life more worthwhile. Helping one another is something that we, as people, need to understand the actual value of when we do it. When we support one another, we are doing God’s will in our lives through our service to one ...
if God foreknows you, that means he loves you on this view. You might try to relate that idea to what people sometimes refer to as “knowing in the biblical sense,” like where Genesis 4:1 says that Adam “knew” his wife and she conceived a son. ...
What Is the Definition of Atheist and Agnostic? Did Jesus Exist or Is It All a Myth? Is There Any Historical Proof for the Existence of Jesus? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers How Zoroastrianism Shaped the Judeo-Christian Concept of God...
God can give you His knowledge on how to become better parents for your children, better spouses for your mates, and better at whatever specific job or jobs He will be calling you to do for Him in this life. If God is calling you to be a policeman, an attorney, a doctor, a nurse...
Christ was identifying Himself as Yahweh, the eternally self-existent God of the Old Testament. The Jews understand exactly what he was saying, and therefore “they picked up stones to throw at him” (John 8:59). Furthermore, Jesus said that the Old Testament was about Him. He told the...
If you're going to give death a human face, why not make it friendly? That was the approach taken by the Greeks, who named death Thanatos. Thanatos was the twin brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep, and both were portrayed as young, pleasant men. In some illus...