You must be aware that God will show no impartiality to any soul on judgment day, so Jews are in the same boat as everybody who is a non-Jew. Also if any other faith controlled as much of the American corporate scene and the interests in the central banks that the Rothschilds now d...
The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?”English Standard VersionThe Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a...
They had begun rebuilding the temple but then had become indifferent, more focused on their personal lives than God’s agenda (Hag. 1.1-11). God used the prophet Haggai to call them to repentance and a re-commitment to God’s priorities as we saw inyesterday’s post.. Now Zechariah was...
Did art require him to desert the Jews? Far from regarding Antokolsky’s depiction of a sixteenth-century tsar as a marker of what Jewish culture has lost, the editor of volume 6 ofThe Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilizationspotlights it with a full-page illustration. And this is ...
OpEdNews Quotation: How odd of God to choose the Jews.Ogden Nash
and i will be back i and i will bring agai and i will call you t and i will cause him and i will give the m and i will harden pha and i will kindle a f and i will let you do and i will make thee and i will visit the and i wish that i cou and i wont back down ...
history of the jews d history of the priest history of the reign history of the term l history of the x-file history of turkey history of ucrs masco history of unclean co history of world trad history overlay historycomgamesdo history its theory an historyofworldwarii histriasaurus hisroyal...
since God intellectually knows about the other clans. But only Israel was hischosen Those two definitions adequately explain the seven instances where the concept appears in the New Testament. When Paul says the Jews foreknew him—Paul—from the start, ...
to get a wake-up call from God. But in the end, I got the calling, and I came. (I got the calling and I came) And that was how I got the calling, (La La La La La La) And gave my life an overhauling (La La La La) ...
Helping one another is something that we, as people, need to understand the actual value of when we do it. When we support one another, we are doing God’s will in our lives through our service to one another. God’s two greatest commands are to love God with all our heart, mind,...