I figured, what do I really have to lose besides the five minutes of my life it took to write and post the thing? But… what if they aren’t? The Missed Connections success stories are surprisingly many – and unsurprisingly, inspiring.Our own Jen Bergenis one of these lucky souls. She...
I did it out of desperation the first time, I had so much dough and it worked out fine so I just continued to do it that way I used a metal canner to mix all the ingredients and I would grease it and put the lid on in a barely warm oven to rise. The metal conducted heat ...
I am a new subscriber and just love the insight and value you deliver. 🙂 You got a question earlier if you edited the videos yourself, where you replied that you had someone professional do that. May I ask where or how to find a person that can do this on-line? Tone 🙂 Reply ...
There was something magical about selling or donating most of my worldly possessions back before I left the country. I swear it was therapeutic.Embrace minimalism, and start listing your crap on Craigslist, Ebay, and Facebook Marketplace. It will be hard to part with things at first, but ...
are those that shoot the box in front of the game (for instant recognition of the game, sort of the clickbait of boardgame instagram), those that do creative stuff with the board game components, those that post pictures primarily of themselves but also holding a board game, and so on. ...
Assuming you don’t manage to find a buyer on a marketplace or classifieds site (you could also try niche forums, Craigslist, BizQuest etc.) then how else do you find a private buyer? Unless you already have a great network, the answer is “with difficulty”. ...
There are a few ways to tell if you are dealing with a Craigslist rental poster. Here’s how to spot a rental scammer on Craigslist. 1. The “landlord” is showing you the home, but do they actually own it? One of the many Craigslist rental scams I have been hearing about a lot ...
Since this question comes up so often, I like to constantly remind people of this fact: You do not need to be rich to travel. Let’s repeat that: You do not need to be rich to travel. There are plenty of ways to travel on a budget (and for free) — you just need to be willi...
Do a search for local businesses and property managers you can connect with and talk about the painting services you provide. 24. Hunt for Painting Leads on Craigslist Craigslist might seem like a dated suggestion, but tons of people still use it when they need to find someone for a painting...
If you need to get rid of your baby and children’s items quickly, a consignment sale is the way to go. Typically, you can earn more for bigger items, such as strollers or baby furniture, through Craigslist ads or through one of thepopular alternatives to Craigslist. However, using...