Speaking of item size, it’s a good idea to give potential customers an idea of an item’s scale. If what you’re selling is particularly big or small, then put a well-known item, like a coin or a pen next to it so that potential buyers can get a better sense of its scale. Th...
Right this very minute, you can start taking feet photos, upload them to an online marketplace, and put up “feet pics for sale“ to receive your payment in a few days or weeks. In this post, I will cover everything you need to learn to sell feet pics. Besides telling you where ...
So to answer your question the video, I plan to change my website of it and put a picture next to testimonials. I also plan to make claims on my images, and not just put the images with tiny claims under them. That’s what I have now. I think it will change that. Thanks so mu...
” and to be honest, as a craigslist seller, I’m often shocked when people don’t even try to knock something off the price. Don’t be a jerk by offering something outlandish, but at least give negotiation a try!
Due to this, I knew I had to create a post on the topic of rental scams for people who are looking for apartments and houses on Craigslist for rent. You can findrental scamseverywhere (Craigslist, Zillow, and more), and many people are duped every single day out of hundreds or sometime...
Promote page to attract buyers Craigslist You could always feet pics on Craigslist, but I wouldn’t put this at the top of the list of recommendations. There’s not a super safe way to accept payment and send photos this way whereas the other methods keep your information anonymous and pr...
Get on the MLS Now it's time to create a listing. Homeowners have options that run the gamut from posting free ads on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist to setting up a dedicated website to market the property. However, the visibility of listings on these sites can make selling a challen...
What are some alternatives to posting a job on Facebook? LinkedIn. Google for Jobs. Indeed. Ladders. Craigslist. Wellfound Hubstaff Talent
If you want to get serious about this, you can even browse the free listings on Craigslist and other sites likeFreecycleandNextdoorto find free stuff you can sell. Look around the house to see if there is any stuff you can sell. Then post them on a seller's website and see what happ...
Register on craigslist.org. There cannot be too much advertising. Unlike many online services that charge fees for posting ads, Craigslist gives you the opportunity to advertise your business free. Over 60 million users in the United States visit the Craigslist website every month, so placing an...