How do we paraphrase? There are many techniques we can use,but essentially paraphrasing can involve three main features: 1.Changing word class(e.g. verbs to nouns) 2.Changing vocabulary(e.g. using synonyms) 3.Changing grammatical structure / word order(e.g. cause and effect;active to passi...
Look for any ways to make the paraphrase more independent from the original text and more geared toward supporting your unique ideas with credible outside support. To do this, follow the “Four R’s of Paraphrasing”: 1. Reword Ask yourself if any of the words or phrases you used were...
How to paraphrase correctly Putting an idea into your own words can be easier said than done. Let’s say you want to paraphrase the text below, about population decline in a particular species of sea snails. Example: Source text “Like other marine animals living near heavily populated coasts...
Work smarter with Grammarly The AI writing partner for anyone with work to do Get Grammarly How to paraphrase an article A paraphrase is a restatement of someone else’s ideas with new wording. You basically take what another person wrote or said, and then rephrase it in your own words....
how to do paraphrase说课材料 howtodoparaphrase MEETOURTEAM Major:Socialwork StudentNo.:Major:Aeronauticalengineering StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Contents DefinitionWhat’sparaphrasing?Paraphrasingisavaluableskillbecause…ReasonsQuickstepstoqualityparaphrase Welldone...
1、How to paraphrase研究生英语课程1MEET OUR TEAMMajor:Social workMajor:Aeronautical engineeringStudent No.:Student No.:Major:ArchitectureStudent No.:Major:ArchitectureStudent No.:2ContentsDefinitionWhats paraphrasing?Paraphrasing is a valuable skill becauseReasonsQuick steps to quality paraphraseWell done ...
Stepstoeffectiveparaphrasingindetails 1.nottoomanywordsfromthesource;2.asclosetotheoriginalsourceinmeaningaspossible,butwithouttoomanysamewords;3.easier,moresimple;4.noneedtoparaphraseterms Welldoneparaphrasing Stepstoeffectiveparaphrasingindetails Step1 Rereadtheoriginalpassageuntilyouunderstanditsfullmeaning.Step2 ...
Finally, you will need to re-read the original alongside your paraphrase to make sure you have included all of the details. Question: How do I paraphrase a claim? Answer: Paraphrase by stating the claim in the simplest way possible. Eliminate all of the supporting evidence and reasons and ...
To paraphrase author Stephen R. Covey, “Don’t listen to reply, but rather listen to understand.” Put listening amongst your resume communication skills if you feel like it. Reflection When people communicate with you, they don’t want to talk to a wall (otherwise, they… could literally...
how-to-do-paraphrase教学文稿 研究生英语课程 Howtoparaphrase MEETOURTEAM Major:Socialwork StudentNo.:Major:Aeronauticalengineering StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Major:Architecture StudentNo.:Contents DefinitionWhat’sparaphrasing?Paraphrasingisavaluableskillbecause…ReasonsQuickstepstoqualityparaphrase Wel...