or what happens in the poem. After you've reread the poem, paraphrase it into one sentence that focuses strictly on content. Northern Kentucky University states that a good paraphrase simply summarizes who is speaking, to whom and under what circumstances, without reference to any poetic technique...
When one “message-hunts” a poem (i.e., goes through the poem with no interest except in its paraphraseable content) he is approaching the writing as did the young man with “something important to say.” He is giving it the Wigglesworth treatment. The common question from which such an...
Paraphrasing means to restate what was said or read in other words. When you paraphrase, you want to choose words so that the information stays the same, but the phrasing is different. Answer and Explanation: Paraphrasing can be a helpful listening tool because it allows you check that you'...
This kind ofplagiarismoccurs when a personparaphrasesa source or multiple sources without crediting the original author(s). Remember, facts must be attributed to a source if a writer personally didn’t discover them and the facts are not considered common knowledge. So, even when paraphrasing it ...
Quoting is useful when you’re discussing the author’s language, but sometimes you’ll have to refer to plot points or structural elements that can’t be captured in a short quote. In these cases, it’s more appropriate to paraphrase or summarize parts of the text—that is, to describe...
To paraphrase a poem means to? What is a seven line stanza called? In the context of poetry, what is unstressed and stressed syllables?� Is rhyme a figure of speech? What is an example of an acrostic poem? What are the homophones of do? Give examples of onomatopoeia. How many senten...
Try to paraphrase a poem as a whole, or perhaps just the more difficult lines.To paraphrase means to express in a shorter or clearer way what someone has written or said. In paraphrasing a poem, one puts into his own words what he understands the poem says. He needs to restate the ess...
46、ental a. e.g. problems incidental to growing upAs a result, serious poets either starve or work as account executives. (Paragraph 2) Paraphrase:As a result, serious poets could no longer depend on poetry writing for a living; they have to turn to other profession, and most probably ...
Unit6HowtoWriteaRottenPoemwithAlmostnoEffort ppt课件 1 StageI:Pre-readingActivities(1)•Watchthevideoandtrytoanswerthefollowingquestions:1.Whyshouldstudentsofallmajorsstudypoetry?Becausepoetryhasuniversalvalue.Itstandsforhumanpassionandloveandthesearewhatwearelivingfor.2.Arethestudents’expressionschangingwhen...