如果你计划每天工作的前十分钟冥想,可能会出现一些困难,你的老板可能会打断你,给你布置一项任务,然后你就会被转移注意力,完全忘记冥想。What you want to do is pick a cue that makes it easier for you to follow through with your routine.你要做的就是选择一个提示,让你更容易坚持自己的惯例安排。Fo...
So, how do we keep them?那么,我们应该怎样坚持这些计划呢?I wanna be a part of that 8%.我想成为那8%的一份子。Well, first of all, keep it simple.首先,保持简单。Rather than listing out 80 different things you want to achieve within the next year try sticking to one to three goals t...
your leadership style to suit the needs of the project, you may have an easier time convincing people to go the extra mile and do their best. It is also helpful to take a closer look at different types of leadership, which might help you figure out the type of leader you want to be...
One of the final basic tasks in any network configuration is hostname resolution with DNS. You’ve already seen the host resolution tool that translates a name such as www.example.com to an IP address such as 在任何网络配置中,主机名解析与DNS是最后一个基本任务之一。你已经看到了...
One of the best ways to do that is actually to think about it in opposition to something else, basically try and figure out how you can earn some enemies. A few examples of content that makes enemies & allies I'll give you a few examples, because I think that will help add some ...
$ arp-iinterface The arp(8) manual page explains how to manually set ARP cache entries, but you shouldn’t need to do this. arp(8) 手册页面解释了如何手动设置 ARP 缓存项,但您应该不需要这样做。 NOTE Don’t confuse ARP with Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP). RARP transforms a M...
reflective mode of self improvement. If you read my last postDon’t make New Year’s Resolutions(do a Year-End Review instead) then you are in a great place to start 2016. Now, all you need to do is figure out how you are going to do your weekly reviews consistently on an ongoing...
Such uncertainty played out in the Canadian judicial system in early 2024 inMoffatt v. Air Canada.In that case, the British Columbia Civil Resolution Tribunal found that Air Canada was liable for the misinformation given to a consumer by an AI chatbot on its website. Air Canada ha...
One of the final basic tasks in any network configuration is hostname resolution with DNS. You’ve already seen the host resolution tool that translates a name such as www.example.com to an IP address such as 在任何网络配置中,主机名解析与DNS是最后一个基本任务之一。你已经看到了...
Therefore you can perform or figure out the difference between two dates. The task below has a couple of tricks, the first is to use Suprtool to build a command file to get the current date into a variable in Julian Day format! The second part of the script figures out the difference ...