bankruptcy. If the bankruptcy is accepted by all the creditors, your bankruptcy lawyer will inform you that the bankruptcy is discharged and you are officially bankrupt. This rating will appear on your credit file for the next 7 years, severely limiting your ability to obtain any type of ...
Michael Ledeen’s idea of going after the Terror Masters, not because I believe in Ledeen’s utopian notion of a global crusade for democratic revolution, but because I recognize the reasonableness of his argument that the only way to defeat our Islamic terrorist enemies is to defeat the regime...
It puts a smile on my face to read and hear Brother Nathanael and intelligent comments like those of Joe Cortina. Not that this is in any way FUNNY, but it’s good to know that some DO get it and have the guts to speak out, unlike so many so-called Christians who, by pandering...
“And I would like to know why.” The disasters she was referring to were the ones that bankrupted Lehman Brothers and nearly bankrupted some other American firms, such as A.I.G. and MF Global, as well as causing JPMorgan Chase’s $6 billion loss at the hands of the trader ...
(Ferreira et al.,2019), resulting in limited physical, cognitive, and emotional energy expended at their business. This diminished engagement among entrepreneurial team members increases the odds of making strategic mistakes that can inhibit the growth of or even bankrupt the new venture (Ndofor et...