A US marine for 35 years and later an aide to President Reagan, Krulak now runs the British arm of MBNA, the world's biggest credit card company and one of the UK's top four.Hosking, Patrick
a bankrupt " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 declare... a bankrupt langbot Call Public Utility and declare yourself a bankrupt. Literature Thus, if an enterprise has filed for restructuring, it cannot be declared bankrupt. A bankruptcy petition is, therefore, suspended. EurLex-2 It...
conference and declared that she was innocent.declare yourself (to be) somethingEdward declared himself angry and frustrated.3→declare war (on somebody/something)4money/property etc[transitive]a)to state on anofficialgovernment form how much money you haveearned, whatpropertyyou own etcAll tips ...