Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. While a lot of false messaging out there will tell you that “carbs are bad,” eating complex carbohydrates helps keep the immune system, nervous system, and brain health. Comp...
Hormonal imbalances: Low testosterone or thyroid issues can affect sexual performance How to Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction? Step 1: Patient History According toU.S. Food and Drug Administration: Using certain prescription or illegal drugs can suggest a chemical cause, since drug effects are 25 percent...
Better sleep:While not a sedative, CBD seems topositively affect the sleep-wake cycle, giving users a better night’s rest. Relief from mental or physical tension can also improve sleep quality.CBNmay be a superior choice for making you feel tired, though. So far, CBD is the only natural...
If you are new here, you may wish to understand all the advantages of living low-carb and to understand why low-carb has become so popular over recent years. How do carbs affect blood sugars? So you truly understand how much everyday foods affect our blood sugars, take a look at these...
Here’s how the nutrition of a traditional homemade thin crust wheat-based pizza crust recipe compares to a fat head crispy crust. Toppings are additional. Nutrition of wheat-based pizza crust (1 slice): 18.9 g carbs, 8.8 g protein, 7.4 g fat.Nutrition of fathead keto pizza crust (1 sl...
Of all those carbs, rice is the most popular with bodybuilders.Brown rice is a great bulking food, too. It’s chewier, making it more filling, but it also contains more calories, protein, nutrients, and fibre. Both are great, so eat whichever one you prefer (or both). ...
Complex carbs digest slowly and give you long-term energy. We also get fiber from complex carbs, which is helpful for digestion, movement through the gut and reducing cholesterol absorption (which improves heart health). Even though over-consumption of calories fromanyfood can raise triglycerides,...
How does your gut microbiome affect your mental health? The gut doesn't just play a role in keeping us physically healthy — it also has an impact on our mental health. "The gut and brain (connection) is really new, burgeoning scientific work that's come out over the last couple of de...
So, the choice of alcoholic beverage matters, but any of them can cause hangovers, simply because they all contain alcohol. So, do common hangover remedies actually work? Drinking water and electrolyte beverages can help reduce symptoms related to dehydration. And eating – especially carbs – ...
For example, you’ll need to eat more protein if you’re looking to build muscle mass, or you’ll need to cut down on carbs if you’re looking to lose weight. Make adjustments to your diet to suit your fitness goals. If you are looking for a fun way to start your fitness ...