AHC MEDIASame-Day Surgery
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created an economic crisis alongside a health care crisis. During the 2 weeks ending on March 28, nearly 10
byWiley Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Recent research indicates that during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the proportion of working-aged U.S. adults without health insurance did not change despite increases in unemployment, and the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors decreased. The ...
Many parents are concerned about the risks to their child from long COVID. However, there is good news here. While we’ve shown that up to1 in 7 adults experienced COVID-19 symptoms for more than four weeksand 1 in 20 suffered from symptoms for more than eight weeks, the story is ve...
2020 is the last year of China's 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP). However, the sudden COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the original pace of production and life. It's also a major test for the country's public health system. "The practice of fighting COVID-19 exposed many loop...
A decreased or altered sense of smell—called olfactory dysfunction—is a common symptom experienced by individuals with COVID-19. As described in an article published in The Laryngoscope, researchers recently searched the medical literature for studies
Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has had tremendous effects on the global economy and social life, and it has significantly disrupted transportation systems across the world. With the rising number of cases and deaths from the pandemic, nations and local governments, including many across the U...
Covid-19 - Coronavirus andforce majeurein Italy First of all it is important to point out that no specific definition offorce majeureexists under Italian law. Therefore unless a specific regulation addressing this kind of clause has been incorporated into the contract by the parties, the ge...
Researchers at Université Laval, the Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec-Université Laval and Université de Montréal received a $2.2 million grant today from the COVID-19 Immunity Working Group to measure the impact of the pandemic on food workers.
In the largest study of its kind to date, researchers analyzing national data from more than 63,000 patients with cancer and a positive COVID-19 diagnosis report an increased risk of death among those who were older, male, had a higher number of comorbid