COVID-19 pandemicHYGIENESANITARY napkinsMENSTRUATIONPERIODICAL articlesCHILDBIRTHMenstruation is the blood that comes out of a woman's cervix through the vagina at a certain time, and is not the cause of childbirth. The onset of menstruation is one of the signs ...
many people have died as a result of COVID-19 infection, but we cannot forget that many have already lost their lives to overdose (4,623 Canadians died from opioids in 2018 alone) and this has risen during the time of the ongoing pandemic.26 We ask, as have our colleagues, in relation...
Grappling with Chronic Pain and Poverty during the COVID-19 PandemicThe world is facing unprecedented challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has drawn attention to the importance, failings, and weaknesses of health systems around the world, and brough......
We adopt a DID approach to estimate the effect of poverty on mobility trends during the COVID-19 pandemic. Estimations are conducted on our panel of regions × days over the period from March 1 to April 26. We regress the mobility of type j (e.g. work-related mobility) in region i ...
SIGAR reports that largely as a result of COVID-19, the Afghan government’s sustainable domestic revenues contracted by 2.8%, year-on-year, during 2020, according to a SIGAR’s analysis of Afghan government accounting data. The contraction in government revenue during the first half of 2020 ...
BIDEN SPARKS BACKLASH AMONG SOME PROGRESSIVES OVER $1,400 STIMULUS CHECKS IN COVID RELIEF PROPOSAL While poverty has steadily risen since June, unemployment actually fell from 11.1% to 6.7% during that same time period. The economists called the disconnect "not surprising," given that...
fatalitiesThis paper examines the role of regional poverty distribution in the U.S. on infections and deaths from COVID-19. We find that poverty is a significant and consdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3702682Abu Bakkar SiddiqueKingsley E. HaynesRajendra Kulkarni...
The report with the theme "Fight against poverty and vulnerability in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic", was issued by the ECA during the 54th session of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development that's being held from May 11 to 17 in Dakar, capita...
Nigerian Artiste, Amodu Francis Eneojo, has bemoaned that COVID-19 and its aftershocks are threatening to wipe out decades of hard-earned progress in the fight against extreme poverty. Eneojo, popularly know as Frannels, said the pandemic resulted in musicians remaining indoor and working tir...