Yes, the app's top section would show when the DND is active on your iPlum line. Do I need to keep my app open to manage Do Not Disturb? Your iPlum app doesn't have to be open. Do Not Disturb works automatically from the cloud. Helpful links: How to setup your main iPlu...
Let’s look at how to put MacBook on Do Not Disturb and find out ways to customize the DND macOS mode for your needs. How to turn on Do Not Disturb on Mac The Do Not Disturb MacBook feature minimizes the urge to check every message or alert as they appear on your device, allowing...
XP to level could simply be a static number or encounters per level, or even follow the weird rate above, and that could be multiplied by the CR for that level and you'd have a dead simple system with two tables, one derived from the other and all the rest o...
Caveat: each of these has a lot of enemies, so "focus fire on one enemy" becomes a less effective tactic, and the DM has a bit more work to do in each encounter. Dropping in a CR 7 monster (~ 2900 XP for one encounter) presents a different problem,...
The Cabbage Warhead is a homebrew item by Rudok’s Tavern. As an action, you can throw theDnD magic itemin a 60-foot-long, five-foot-wide line. The nearest creature in that area makes a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. If they pass, the cabbage assaults the next target in range. The...
Linux and Mac are similar in how highlighting on mouseover works. I am running on a Linux machine to do this test, so it's not going to be perfectly on a Mac, but should give you some tips of the direction to try some things... import PySimpleGUI as sg layout = [[sg.Button('...
Update 6/29/23: We now offer a print/exam copy option to our desk copy program. You can find information on this option and how it works here . Like many academic
How long does it take a 13th level abjurer (CR 9) to become a 13th level spellcaster and why, it's not guaranteed that wizard made it that far based on combat. So how else did they make it that far?To post a comment, please login or register a new accou...
If you want to routinely pass out magic items, but don't want to give 'junk' or make your party OP...This is purely my advice, but I've used it in the past for small parties and it works well. If you tank your players up on permanent combat magic items, then yes....
I would suggest not really picking a creature with a CR above the party level, especially if you are also adding extra mooks which make combats much harder due to the action economy. If you look at the starter adventure lost mines of phandelver, the hardest fight (for groups up to l...