更好的排版: https://captnotes.github.io/how-to-trade-in-stocks 注:【】部分为笔者心得,非原文摘抄。 * 盼着从市场上既快又容易地挣钱是不切实际的。 * 对投资者或投机者来说,除非市场按照你的个人意见变化,否则个人意见一文不值。 * 真正从投机买卖中得来的利润,都来... (展开) 5 0回应 > ...
Learn how to begin trading stocks by learning stock market fundamentals, understanding trends, and more. Get informed and start trading confidently today.
How much risk am I willing to take on to trade stocks? If you’re willing to take on extra risk, and you don’t mind paying 25% short-term capital gains taxes on stocks you sell before you’ve held them for one year, a general investment account might be right for you. On the ...
Learn how to trade stocks without a broker. 5. All About US Stocks & US Stock Exchanges We introduce you to each of the 3 main US stock exchanges, the indices you can trade in the US, and why so many International traders continue to buy, sell, and trade US stocks more than any ...
How To Trade in Stocks ADDENDUM-TRADING GUIDE Livermore Laws-Trading Secrets Revealed “To Know is to do!"—Socrates— A successful speculator remains a constant student of THREE THINGS: MARKET TIMING-When to enter and when to exit a market trade- “when to hold” em when to fold “em,"...
1、投机是世界上最吸引人的游戏。但三种人不适合炒股这种投机:1)懒笨的;2)自制力差的;3)想暴富的。 2、任何想要开始投机的人,都应该把投机看成是一门生意,并且把它当作生意来经营,而不是把它当作一种赌博。在我看来,证券市场的所谓投资者,只不过是大赌家。他们下好注,坚决持有,如果赌错了,那就全赔了。
1、《大作手操盘术》(How to Trade In Stocks byJesse Livermore(Author)) 中文版推荐中信出版社的,是回忆录和操盘术的合集,关键后面有图表。 英文版的话有能力务必读一下,中文版的翻译毕竟不是做交易的人的翻的,并且英文版有许多杰西重点加黑的地方,中文版里没有体现。
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 《How_To_Trade_In_Stocks.》.doc 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 《How_To_Trade_In_Stocks.》.doc HOW TO TRADE IN STOCKS The Livermore Formula for Combining Time Element and Price BY JESSE L. LIVERMORE DUELL, SLOAN PEARC...
MBA How To Trade Stocks 如何股票交易 HOWTOTRADESTOCKS MichaelHansenCEO,LionFundCapitalManagementLLC LET‟SSTARTWITHAFEWQUESTIONS IfIofferedyou……$1.00for$0.50,wouldyoutaketheoffer?For WhatifIofferedyou……$1.00for$1.20?For WHATARESTOCKS?Whatisastock?•Simplyput,ashareofstockispartialownership...
go through. You can get an unfavorable price, however, especially when there's lots of market activity or when you're dealing with stocks that don't trade frequently. Market orders are best used when you want to make a trade quickly and you're willing to accept the present market price....