Byline: DR ALIQ My husband snores every night. Sometimes he seems to stop breathing. The doctor doesn't seem worried, but I read that it might be a severe condition called sleep apnoea. Also, I find it very difficult to sleep and occasionally have to move to the spare room to get ...
how can i stop snoringYou’re snoring because your tongue is fat The cure for snoring is a diet for your tongue, according to a new study from Penn Sleep Center. advertisementLatest how can i stop snoring News advertisement advertisement...
This is a touchy subject, but we think that the person snoring should do all they reasonably can do to try to stop the snoring. If the cures haven't worked, and the other person is still being disturbed by the snorer, you should have a discussion to decide who will sleep where. You ...
quality of life and personal relationship with the snorer is improved when the snoring is resolved. If your partner’s snoring is keeping you up and putting a strain on your relationship, you are not alone. Snoring isn’t sexy, but there are steps you can take to stop the snoring and br...
With that in mind, we should say that you don’t actually need AI to help you stop snoring. There are tons of lo-fi devices on the market that can help you with your snoring problem. For example, you can get aSnoreRx mouthpiece, which will keep your tongue in place during sleep and...
Stress: High-stress levels can trigger the body's production of androgens, which are male hormones that can stimulate the sebaceous (oil) glands in the skin. Increased oil production can result in more acne. Stress can also worsen existing acne, making it more challenging to manage. Diet: Wh...
Ask them if you’ve been snoring loudly, if they’ve heard you stop breathing at all when you sleep, or if they’ve noticed you sleepwalking (signs of sleep apnea and other disorders). This is the benefit of living in such close quarters: if something’s wrong, your roommate w...
SleepPhones® headphones are comfortable, flat headphones in a headbandnoise-canceling headphones that can help minimize stress by reducing ambient noise, conversations, traffic sounds, and even snoring; they can even be used as a sleep mask! You may also listen to relaxing meditation sounds, rad...
I can hear the wind blowing but I can neither feel it nor see the effects of it in the tree’s. I walk across my lawn and stop under the streetlight. The moon is covered by clouds and the streetlight is the only source of light, other than the window. “But this time I think ...
A place where he can go and relax when he wants to. My dogs have baskets in the rooms that they have access to, and I provide more baskets than dogs, though they tend to all pile into the same one. Even if your dog shares your bed at night, he should still have a bed ...