The answer to “How do you forgive someone who has hurt you deeply?” is found inMatthew 18:33, “Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” The way you will find the love to forgive those who have hurt you deeply is by basing your love not in...
I want to walk with you step-by-step through how you can actually forgive someone. I truly believe this is the most important blog I've ever written becauseforgivenesswill help you find freedom. It will free you from the toxic emotions that trap you in bitterness and hate. So, let's g...
but for tom but for us too but for your cooperat but forgive and forge but fornication and a but from rage but generally but get back on your but girl what can i d but give me extra but go tell his disci but god believes iquo but got love for you but gradually low per but han...
aHow can you do that?You hurt me.But I decide to forgive you. Life is no testing tow.Don't waste your life to waiting for a man who is no answer for you. Have good luck in the futher daysl! 您怎么能做那?您伤害了我。但我决定原谅您。 生活是没有测试的拖曳。不要浪费您的生活到...
“Talk to the person about what went wrong. It’s really hard to forgive someone who hurt you emotionally if they don’t understand the hurt they caused. Before you can really forgive, it’s important to try to talk with the person about what went wrong. Take the time to confront them...
You can do this by shifting from a Victim mentality, to a Creator mentality, which I wrote about in great detail in this post:From Drama to Empowerment. What If You Don’t Want to Forgive? Is forgiving the only way to heal the hurt that someone else has caused you? What if the pers...
If you’ve been hurt by someone who was unfaithful, I am sorry. I feel for you. You did not deserve it. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. Learn from it. Forgive the other person, for the sake ofyourinner peace. If you’ve hurt someone by being unfaithful, I am sorry too. ...
I once thought I was invulnerable, but I was addicted to you. Your name is not long, but it runs through my whole heart. No matter how good or bad, there is no one can replace it after all Since I met you, I have been poisoned. If I didn't like you, who would try their ...
“Father,forgivethem”isthemostpowerfulprayerthatyoucaneverpray. IttransformsyourrelationshipwithGod. ItreleasesthepoweroftheHolySpiritintoyourlife. Itrestoresyoursoul. ItopensthedoortoGod’shealing. Ittransformsyourrelationshipswithothers. Butnoneofuscantrulypraythisextraordinaryprayeruntilwehave learnedtoforgive...
First I need your hand ,then forever can begin——我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远 Good things come to those who smile. Have you smile today? Keep smiling. 好事情总是发生在那些微笑着的人身上。你今天微笑了么? Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. 执子之手,与子偕老...