droughts, and cold snaps. Captive fish can live a surprisingly long life if kept in a clean tank with stable conditions and a high-quality diet.
going to take to become a better colleague, a better friend, a better peer. And many of the guests on the show subscribe and contribute to the course. So come join us, you'll be in smart company where you belong. You can find the course again for free at jordanharbinger.com/course....
Sudden death stories of democracy do us a disservice. The truth is that democracy can be destroyed in multiple ways, at different tempos. The slowest of these – environmental degradation – is a consequence of the anthropocentric ideal underlying democr
Well 10 years (or even 5 years) will provide substantial clarity on the relative importance of human-caused and naturally varying climate change, and how rapidly humans can be expected to change the climate in the 21st century. The solutions to decarbonizing the global economy are more likely...
Look, there are droughts and floods around the world at any given time. Like, South Africa in the eighties in some places had people who were 18 and had never seen rain. (Or didn’t remember seeing rain. Don’t quote it. I read the article, but it was a long time ago. It might...
This change could be triggered when 25% of the forest has been lost under current climate pressures,scientists estimate. So how close are we to the tipping point? To answer that question, we need to know how much of the original Amazon forest biome has been lost. ...
droughts could strike every other year by 2050. Thirsty corn and soybeans might fail in the Southeast and Great Plains but thrive farther north. "Some farmers will be net winners but others will be net losers," says UMass's Hillel, coauthor with Rosenzweig of the forthcoming book "Climate ...