The effects of drought accumulate slowly and its impacts are spread over a larger geographical area than are damages that result from other natural hazards. Most of the policy responses to drought tend to address the immediate needs, to provide what are often more costly remedies, and to ...
These practices are reactive and, therefore, only treat the symptoms (impacts) of drought rather than the underlying causes for the vulnerabilities associated with impacts. Through the adoption of national drought policies that are focused on risk reduction and complemented by drought mitigation or ...
Section 2.1 presents a brief description of the concepts and features of the desertification hazard. Firstly, the causes and factors contributing to desertification are analyzed. This is followed by the outline of the desertification process stages. Then, the assessment and modeling methods are ...
Several strategies including ecosystem management, protection, and restoration have been suggested as a way to protect crops from the increased impact of drought. A persistent discrepancy between water supply and demand is what causes a drought [10]. Insufficient precipitation and soil moisture are ...
Drought stress causes plants to adapt physiologically by altering gene expression, accumulating Osmo protectants (such as proline and carbohydrates), and activating stress-responsive signaling cascades. These systems can aid plants in dealing with drought stress, but they are usually insufficient to preve...
Dust storms represent a major environmental challenge in the Middle East. The southwest part of Iran is highly affected by dust events transported from neighboring desert regions, mostly from the Iraqi plains and Saudi Arabia, as well as from local dust