The most famous real-life unicorn of the natural world is thenarwhal(Monodon monoceros), a marine animal with a single tusk that dwells in the Arctic. But this tusk does not possess any magical traits; it's actually an oversized canine tooth that grows straight out of the creature's face....
The narwhal is one smart cookie. Interestingly, the first big jump in whale brain size seems to have happened when cetaceans first started using echolocation, the ability to locate objects with sound. The narwhal swims through deep waters in search of its prey, and as you might imagine, it'...
The gray, bulbous creature would dwarf the slender half-fish, half-human and her flowing hair. Yet sea lore has it that sailors used to mistake manatees for mystical mermaids. The Sirenia animal order, which includes three manatee species and one dugong species, is named after the dazzling ...
This is called Racial Monoculture. Race and culture are synonymous. And sneering, post-modern dumbasses hate it. But not me. Because I know it’s a big part of why fantastic worlds feel fantastic. If every member of every race is a unique and distinct individual, then everyone’s just ...
The second big choice to consider is your character’s race (also known as species). There are a huge number of races to choose from, but for your first character, we recommend choosing one of the basic options from the Player’s Handbook: ...
stock of just how much has gone wrong: how many errors there have been; how many unfulfilled plans and frustrated dreams we’ve had. We may feel like the distraught, damned Macbeth who, on learning of his wife’s death, exclaims at a ...
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 An...
I think this is awesome. But you’re a big part of it, Dan. I need to know that you’re not just jumping on or partially here. If I’m signing up for this, I’m signing up the full team. It has to be you as part of the equation. He said, yeah, th...
At least in terms of XP. We know we need 85,000 XP worth of monsters. We can just scatter that many XP worth of monsters around a big ole map and be done with it, right? Well, honestly, that’s how a lot of dungeons were built in the past. Sort of. More or less. ...
9 (phr v) back away (from sb/sth) move backwards in fear or dislike 因害怕或厌恶而後退: The child backed away from the big dog. 那个孩子看见大狗就向後退了. back `down; US back `off give up a claim to sth; yield 放弃对某事物的要求; 屈服: He proved that he was right and his ...