Warforged is another one of the most powerful races of D&D 5e Races that were created as a tool of war. Just like Golems, having the ability to learn and adapt to every atmosphere and war area, these are the creatures that become aware of the related field in just a shorter period....
mortal evil. This means I’ve got to break down what it means to say that a sentient, mortal creature — like an orc — isalways evil. Or to say it’s usually evil or often evil or whatever. That’s assuming
etc at 2 o'clock 在 2 时开始, 会见, 离开等 *| at 3.15/a quarter past 3 在 3 点 15 分[3 时 1 刻] *| He is to be shot at dawn. 定於黎明将他枪决. *| I didn't know he was dead at the time of speaking, ie when I spoke. 我...
Everything you need to know to create a D&D character Dungeons and Dragons, also known as D&D, is a tabletop role-playing game in which you and your friends play as fantasy characters on a quest of your choosing. The first step in your...