英语翻译有一档美国节目,叫how'd you get so rich如果你是制片人,想翻译成中文版,应该怎样翻译比较妥当?“你是怎样变得富裕”好像太俗了~可以意译的.节目
How'd you get so rich? 偶然在b站上看了《致富之道》, 该系列纪录片由喜剧名嘴凯瑟琳·赖恩主持 ,她街头采访了多名有钱人,总结出了几大特点:1.热爱并坚持一件事情。2.拥有顶尖的专业技术和天赋。3.体力、精力和韧性都超越常人。4.善于发现,亲力亲为,积极向上的生活态度。5.清醒、理智、务实。6.很早就...
【英语中字】美国真人秀节目:致富之道 第一季 How’d You Get So Rich Season 1 (2017) 全6集 高清720P 平常大家看纪录片,无非是图个娱乐效果,放松尽情。今天介绍的这部纪录片,可能会对你的创业或者生活有些启发。不知道有多少朋友,喜欢看央视曾经的《致富经》?这虽然是个真人秀节目,但娱乐性与实用性价值...
These drawbacks to both basic manufacturing and attempts to leap ahead are helping convince some countries to try another approach: attracting industries that use their natural resources, especially the metals and minerals powering the green transition. Governments in Latin America are keen. So are the...
D) America lagged behind other countries in making a scientific school calendar. 52. What benefit will year-round schooling bring students in addition to improving their learning? A) It will help them get back to where th...
These habits aren't necessarily easy to develop, but follow them and you just might get rich. As a financial adviser, I occasionally find myself feeling envious of certain clients. Not because of their wealth — but because of their discipline. They were determined enough to do all the ...
新手小菜鸟儿创建的收藏夹英语内容:【中英双字】新加坡的经济之路 / How Singapore Got So Crazy Rich,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
新手小菜鸟儿创建的收藏夹英语内容:【中英双字】新加坡的经济之路 / How Singapore Got So Crazy Rich,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
HOW’D YOU GET SO RICH(B站上) 节目形式是一个加拿大脱口秀女主持人,找到世界各地的有钱人采访他们是怎么致富的,并体验他们的生活 我发现: 1、他们部分小时候很穷 2、他们往往有触底反弹的的经历 3、除了商人,他们部分是靠高超的专业技能达到SO RICH的,比如:整形医生、程序员、数学型扑克专家、室内设计师、...
How wonderful to see all the distinguished citizens and members of the Tianjin University community; and how exciting to see so many eager young scientists and engineers—I am looking at the future of China! I am oft...