How'd you get so rich? 偶然在b站上看了《致富之道》, 该系列纪录片由喜剧名嘴凯瑟琳·赖恩主持 ,她街头采访了多名有钱人,总结出了几大特点:1.热爱并坚持一件事情。2.拥有顶尖的专业技术和天赋。3.体力、精力和韧性都超越常人。4.善于发现,亲力亲为,积极向上的生活态度。5.清醒、理智、务实。6.很早就...
第一项是外部条件,其他各项均为个人素质:好的教育,努力工作,诚实,善于倾听和学习,能力圈内行事,以及有耐心。 How did you get to be so rich? I was lucky to be born in a free country like America where I had all kinds of opportunities. And I had parents who made sure I understood the impor...
5. 為富人提供遊艇派對服務。瞄準富人階層,提供富人相應的活動作為經營範圍,不失為一個精準明確的生意主意。 6. 集時裝模特、social media influencer、選美小姐於一體的kid model 7. 研發出讓消費者在為商品付費前可貨比三家查看其他商家是否出售同等卻更物美價廉商品的app "scan"的碼農後轉型成為家庭旅遊博主 8. ...
【双语+每日播客】中国Z世代的“无糖”社交新方式,你get到了吗?|Round table china|中英字幕|磨耳朵|四六级托福雅思听力材料 英语破卡Podcast 4.3万22 十四五六-_ 2:22:21 【探索频道纪录片】活力城市新加坡【全6集】 棋子绕圈圈 00:52 新加坡的组屋我狠狠酸了 ...
If you’re thinking, “Am I rich, or merely really well off?” and you’re stressing over that question, you aren’t likely to get any sympathy from your family and friends – unless they are all rich, too. But if you're wondering how to define being wealthy, the questio...
How did the old man become so rich ● A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. 一位年轻人请教一位十分有钱的老人如何变得如此富有。 The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, i...
How did the old man become so rich● A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money. 一位年轻人请教一位十分有钱的老人如何变得如此富有。 The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, "Well, son, it ...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk, ranked as the world's wealthiest person by both Forbes and the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, last year explained that the secret to his wealth is simple: "I own 20% of a company that became very valuable." Musk, whose wealth is pegged at $240 billion byBloomberg, ...
(1991) How Did the Wealthiest Britons Get so Rich?, Review of Industrial Organization, 6, 19-32.Siegfried, John J. and Alison Roberts (1991). How Did the Wealthiest Britons Get So Rich?, Review of Industrial Organization. 6: 19-32....
12. You get rich by owning things 你通过拥有东西而致富 13. Be internally driven 以内部为导向 山姆·奥特曼博客原文 I’ve observed thousands of founders and thought a lot about what it takes to make a huge amount of money or to create something important. Usually, people start off wanting ...