HOURGLASS的AMBIENT LIGHTING PALETTE粉饼盘,售价$70,包含3.3克的产品。这款粉饼盘集粉饼、高光和阴影于一体,是3合1的美妆神器。🎨 颜色与效果: DIM LIGHT - 定妆效果,用于脸部中央,隐藏肌肤瑕疵。 INCANDESCENT LIGHT - 提亮和高光效果,为鼻梁和颧骨带来自然光泽。 RADIANT LIGHT - 自然的阴影效果,用于颧骨下、...
这款面部盘在美国丝芙兰折扣季期间可以通过代购购买。🌈 盘中还首次推出了即将上市的模拟镁光灯光效的新高光Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder,不仅可以将经典收入囊中,还能率先体验这款美好的粉色系新高光。💖 高光色Dim(一排左一)基本上没什么闪度,欧美圈特别喜欢用这块颜色来当定妆,冷热不挑,颜色偏自然,除了特别...
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder is one of the most talked about makeup releases of the new year. It's a light diffusing finishing powder in six shades that create various effects, from icy to tan. I've been wearing it daily since the compact of Radiant Light arrived here with its matchi...
I used this concept of lighting in Ambient Lighting Powder.”—Carisa Janes, Hourglass Founder · Ambient Lighting Powder – Ethereal Light Ambient Lighting Powder – Diffused Light Ambient Lighting Powder – Dim Light Ambient Lighting Powder – Luminous Light Ambient Lighting Powder – Radiant Light...
4.Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder Hourglass Lighting Powder(高光蜜粉饼)绝对算是一款王牌明星产品,一共有六个色号,都是低调的微闪光泽。皮肤偏干和中性偏油都适用。肤色偏白的妹子可以选择Diffused light和Ethereal light。委媛最爱的色号就是Diffused light,这个色号不说是最白的,但光泽感在所有色号里算较弱的...
Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder - Travel Size 功效 修饰肤色,提亮肤色 产地 美国 规格类型 小样 包装种类 基础包装 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 颜色分类 Diffused Heat 1.3g腮红,Luminous Flush 1.3g腮红,Mood Exposure 1.3g腮红,Radiant Magenta 1.3g腮红,Brilliant Nude 4.2g修容,At Night 1.3g腮红,Dim Infusion...
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder 10g (Various Shades) Radiant Light 55,50 € 3tiendas Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer 60ml 90,40 € 2tiendas Hourglass Phantom Volumizing Glossy Balm #100 Rise 42,99 € 3tiendas Hourglass Ambient Lighting Bronzer ...
Shop Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette on Bluemercury. Create your perfect light with this palette featuring three shades of Ambient Lighting Powder, which utilize Photoluminescent Technology to filter out harsh light and refine the appearance of the co
Radiant Rose Strobe LightAmbient Strobe Lighting Powder – metallic copper rose shimmer Red 0Ambient Lighting Blush – deep berry pink Bronze HeatAmbient Lighting Bronzer – deep bronze Look below wearing the Lotus Flower Palette on the eyes and cheeks +Phantom Glossy Balmin Slip ...
Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder - Travel Size 功效 易上色,修饰肤色,不易脱色,修饰轮廓,持久 产地 意大利 规格类型 正常规格 保质期 24个月 包装种类 基础包装 是否为特殊用途化妆品 否 适合肤质 任何肤质 颜色分类 vivid flush 猪年限定 腮红,brilliand nude 便金棕色调,euphoric fusion 紫灰色,diffused heat 五...