大范围高光:竹田白松小火苗WF15SR EPSQU + Hourglass Ambient lighting finishing powder(色号diffused light) 这个小火苗刷头的长短正好,可以精准控制范围,抓粉力也很强。特别适合用来提亮额头、下巴和眼下三角区。 小范围高光:竹田白松或加鼠12号mini高光腮红刷 + Hourglass Ambient Stroke lighting powder(色号b...
HOURGLASS的Mini Ambient™ Lighting Edit - Sculpture Unlocked 5.6g彩妆盘,包含四种色块,分别是: 1.4 g Ambient Finishing Powder in Soft Light 左上 定妆蜜粉 1.4 g Blush in Mood Flush 左下 腮红 1.4 g Bronzer in Golden Bronze Light 右上 古铜色修容 1.4 g Metallic Strobe Powder in Champagne Strobe...
Create the perfect illumination for your face with Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder. Infused with the innovative Photoluminescent Technology, each finishing powder captures, diffuses, and softens the look of the skin. The micron-size, color-correcting particles refract light and create transparent covera...
产品名称是Ambient lighting powder,色号是diffused light,不是高光哦,而是定位为finishing powder的蜜粉。高光的名字是ambient STROBE lighting powder。 总之,Hourglass蜜粉饼真的是一款值得一试的产品,控油自然,妆效细腻,完全值得入手! 0 2246 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 桃花开香奈美蜻蜓 2024-11-27 西双版纳白象沙...
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder · What it is: A universal finishing powder that features state-of-the-art technology to recreate the most exquisitely flattering types of light. What it does: Create your perfect light. Ambient Lighting Powder is a groundbreaking collection of finishing powders that...
不过,现在这款高光在官网上叫Finishing Powder了,看来真的是有多微妙啊!如果你喜欢更闪一点的效果,可以考虑他们家的Ambient Strobe Lighting Powder,那块会更闪一些。 总之,这块Hourglass高光真的是我的心头好,推荐给所有追求自然光泽的小伙伴们!💖 0 0 发表评论 发表 作者...
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder is one of the most talked about makeup releases of the new year. It's a light diffusing finishing powder in six shades that create various effects, from icy to tan. I've been wearing it daily since the compact of Radiant Light arrived here with its matchi...
TheAmbient Lighting Edit Unlocked – Jellyfishis probably my favorite although I’m not thrilled about the finishing powder repeats. They are nice to have and work well to set or blur, but I think the vast majority of us already own the setting powder and are craving all new shades. ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现现货 美代Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder高光蜜粉饼Diffused的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于现货 美代Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder高光蜜粉饼Diffused的信息,请来
Neiman Marcus(尼曼) Hourglass Cosmetics Ambient® Lighting Powder历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Hourglass Cosmetics Ambient® Lighting Powder