优化方案: 改用copytopoints的方式, 例如:场景有100 个 MeshRenderer,都引用 1 个相同 Mesh, 创建一个 null 节点,上传这个 mesh 的数据, 再创建一个 null 节点,在这个节点上传 100 个 point,每个 point 分别上传这 100 的 MeshRenderer 的 transform rotation scale 以及以外的诸如 unity 的layer, 创建一个 ...
Houdini’s geometry components – points, vertices, primitives, edges and breakpointsHow geometry is constructed in Houdini by connecting pointsThe importance and power of vertices in controlling connectivityThe concepts, theories and practical uses of Houdini’s primitive types – polygons, nurbs, bezie...
我们先来来说说那个“牛角”,原本我以为,找到点,设置好法线,直接Copy to Points就完事了,没想到啊,没想到,直接copy的结果是这样的 用box代替一下 你能看到,因为copy的时候,点的法线不是正的,所copy出来的东西,子啊一个轴向上是对的(红色),而另一个轴是不对的,它旋转了一下(蓝色) 更别说目前只是box,六个...
我们玩个Houdini游戏终场吧:造个grid SOP (rows+columns 25x25),驳入facet SOP (点着unique points),驳入sort SOP (把primitive sort设为oximity to point),最后驳入primitive SOP,点着do transform,在rotation X和Y输入clamp($F*10-10-$PR,0,360)。 你已领悟其中的主要方法啦。小球的材质实际上只是同一...
Copy 创建输入几何体的多个copy,或者把几何体第二个输入的点上. Crease 手动添加或删除多变形的折边权重,用于细分表面的SOP Creep 沿着一个输入的几何体的路径表面变形和动画一个输入几何体 Capture Region 相当于骨头蒙皮的影响范围,是一个两头闭合的管体积 ...
Default / Rotation Function You can set the default segment interpolation function to be of the type you specify here, e.g. cubic. You can also set the default function used for rotations. Added Segments Auto Function When turned on, Houdini attempts to automatically determine the best fun...
Change the Geometry select method to Points and the Select tool to Lasso Picking. Note You can use a different method if you prefer. Select the points to delete. Press the Delete key. A new blast1 node appears. The input dot on the top of this node is connected to the...
如果这个球是个polygon sphere那显然没啥问题,因为球上每个点的位置确定了,它的姿态自然也就跟着旋转了,点面的所在位置直接影响它的外观。可是我们这是个primitive sphere,它就像一个大粒子(a big standalone particle),所以并没有外表面的点给它旋转(there's no 'outer skin' of points to rotate)。
CopyToPoints2.0 SOP introduced with Houdini 18 was not supported Added the "Strip Paths" VRScene export option Deadline Export a single Houdini job with sub-tasks when the Mode is set to "Render Job" Alembics Added support for reading float and integer attributes at render time Volumes Removed...
This will connect the movement of the control object to the rotation on this node. 选择soccerball_ctrl节点。在参数窗格中,点击变换(Transform)选项卡,然后右键单击平移X(Translate X)参数。选择复制参数(Copy Parameter)。 进入soccerball_anim对象。在subdivide和matchsize节点之间添加一个变换(Transform)节点。