Ladhani S, Booy R. Host genetic susceptibility to infection. In: Nadel S, ed. Infectious diseases in paediatric intensive care. London: Springer, 2008:225-311.Graham S. Cooke, Michael Levin, Robert J. Wilkinson, Geoffrey Pasvol. . Host Genetics and Susceptibility to Infection. 2011:, 32-...
Host Genetics and Susceptibility to Infection. 2011:, 32-39. /Cook GS, Levin M, Wilkinson RJ, Pasvol G. Host genetics and susceptibility to infection. In: Guerrant RL, Walker DH, Weller PF, editors. Tropical infectious diseases: principles, pathogens and practice. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: ...
Alternatively, a microorganism may emerge as a pathogen or acquire new public health importance because of changes in host susceptibility to infection. Factors influencing host susceptibility within the population as a whole include increases in the number of immunocompromised patients; increased use of ...
These unique features of infectious disease threats move both the ecological and evolutionary theories for population persistence of metapopulations outside of the realms that can be well-studied by existing tools. When trying to understand how endangered populations might respond to the threat of infe...
There is growing evidence for human genetic factors controlling the outcome of malaria infection, while molecular basis of this genetic control is still poorly understood. Case-control and family-based studies have been carried out to identify genes underlying host susceptibility to malarial infection. ...
Stevens L, Yan GY, Pray LA: Consequences of inbreeding on invertebrate host susceptibility to parasitic infection. Evolution 1997, 51(6):2032-2039.Stevens, L., Yan, G. & Pray, L.A. (1997) Consequences of inbreeding on invertebrate host susceptibility to parasitic infection. Evolution 51, ...
difficile infection13–15. However, due to the high degree of diversity of commensal microbes and the difficulty in culturing these strains, it has been difficult to correlate host susceptibility to infection with changes in the relative abundance of a defined subgroup of commensal microbes. In ...
Mice bred at The Rockefeller Institute vary in their susceptibility to mouse typhoid infection caused by a certain strain of Bacillus pestis caviae. This graded variation may be roughly analyzed as follows: in any series infected per os with a fixed dose, 20 to 30 per cent show no sign of ...
Up till now, 3 studies elucidated the effect of the ABO system on COVID-19 susceptibility to infection. The largest GWAS of COVID-19 host genetics revealed a significant signal at region 3p21.21 which contains SLC6A20 gene (interacts with ACE2), CXCR6 (regulates localization of CD8 T memo...
favoring macrophage polarization towards an anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype.73,76Conversely, antibiotic-mediated gut dysbiosis and SCFA depletion may facilitate the expansion of proinflammatory Th1 cells through the activation of proinflammatory macrophages, contributing to susceptibility to infection.75These findi...