Welcome to our website about American horse breeds. The most famous American horse race is without a doubt the Mustang. It has given its name to the famous Ford sports car and starred in numerous movies such as Hidalgo. A movie about a Mustang racing through the Arabian deserts. The Mustan...
Back to Equine Breed Menu Breed Organization National Show Horse Registry Native Country United States of America Other Names NSH General Description The ideal National Show Horse has a blend of the Arabian's beauty, refinement, strength and stamina with the Saddlebred's extremely long neck, high...
It seems that the native breeds of Ireland were mixed with the Andalusians when the Spanish Armada in 1588 ran aground in the County Galway, where Connemara is located. The Connemara is a pony, which makes them smaller than most horses, and they come in around 13.2 to 15 hands, which is...
Arabian Horse are most popular horse breeds in the world and known for its distinctive head shape, height and high tail. Their land of origin is the Middle East but now found across the United States, United Kingdom, South America, Australia and continental Europe. Thoroughbred Thoroughbred hors...
(Breeds) a breed of horse, originally from America, typically having a spotted rump [C19: perhaps fromPalouse,river in Idaho] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Native to Germany, Holsteiners are one of the oldest warmblood breeds that still exist today. They date back as far as the 13th century, and they descend from Thoroughbreds, Selle Francais, and Anglo-Arabians. Developed originally by monks from small native horses, their main purpose was agr...
Embraced by beginners and professional equestrians all around the world, the American quarter horse is famous for agility, docility, and athleticism. Originally bred during the 1600s from English and Spanish thoroughbreds crossed with local breeds such as the Native American Chickasaw horse, it has...
The post American Saddlebred Horse appeared first on HorseBreedsPictures.com. ]]> The American Saddlebred is one of the most famous and successful native horses of the United States. They have a long history, working as a war horse in the past, as well as a comfortable riding horse at ...
It is thought that all domestic horses are descended from two wild horses (Equus ferus): 1) Tarpan, which was native to eastern Europe and Russian steppes and 2) Przewalski from Mongolia (Peplow, 1998; Valderrábano, 1970). There is evidence that before domestication, horses were already ...
The native people in the Americas immediately took a liking to the spotted coats and hardiness of the Tiger horses and they quickly spread and were developed by a number of tribes including the Nez Perce who have become famous for their spotted ponies. ...