35 D. variabilis can cause tick paralysis and is the principal vector in eastern North America of Rickettsia rickettsii, the causative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever.33 Anatrichosoma buccalis is a nematode known to affect the buccal mucosa of the Virginia opossum.36 The female worms of ...
How to Tell If Your Bunny Loves You The Ultimate Guide to Dwarf Rabbit Care Bunny Care: How to Discipline Your Rabbit Bunny Care Guide: What Foods Do Rabbits Eat?
Perhaps the most common of household pests, the small yet mighty ant has been deemed the #1 nuisance pest in America by the National Pest Management Association. Ants can often be found trailing along your floors, baseboards, windows, and more in a steady, single file line. You may also ...
Selection for system-wide morphological, physiological, and metabolic adaptations has led to extreme athletic phenotypes among geographically diverse horse breeds. Here, we identify genes contributing to exercise adaptation in racehorses by applying genomics approaches for racing performance, an end-point at...
My son is in his third year at university and for his history class he was assigned to write about Christian nationalism. Not being much of a political person I thought I’d ask; what are the pros and cons of Christian nationalism in America today.? What is it exactly?
Using an integrative genomics strategy to first combine population genomics results with skeletal muscle exercise and training transcriptomic data, followed by whole-genome resequencing of Asian horses, we identify protein-coding variants in genes of interest in galloping racehorse breeds (Arabian, ...
On June 11, 1931, when theLeviathanarrives in New York harbor from Europe, Curley enthusiastically points out the Statue of Liberty to Carlo and Arturo. He gives each boy a silver dollar. "Never forget who gave you your start in America," he says with a wink. "James Michael Curley!" ...
Specimens of tomatoes and other solanaceous plants, drawn from the genera Solanum and Physalis, were collected across South America (Brazil) and Europe (France, Italy, Poland, and the Netherlands). Sequences from the COI (672 bp), ITS (553 bp), and D2 (605 bp) regions, respectively, ...
In the nuclear age, war is irrational. Strong leadership can never let the desire to look tough stand in the way of the pursuit of peace. . . . Leaders must address the critical struggles in the world today. We can have peace in Central America. Stop the illegal war on Nicaragua, and...
A total of 70 female sheep (White Polled Heath sheep and their cross breeds), consisting of 16 animals older than one year and 54 gimmers, participated in this study, which ran over two grazing seasons from May until October 2020 and 2021, respectively. The non-pigmented animals with white...