By using RFID technology, there’s no need to find a key, register a fingerprint, or remember a combination. Plus, the RFID‑enabled device can be programmed to read up to five different tags. More on RAPiD® Safes from Hornady Security® View RAPID® Safes Read FAQs Security eve...
Derived from extensive testing by Hornady Manufacturing Company, the Hornady Security app allows users to monitor the lock and unlock status of their RAPiD® Safe Ready Vault. This app utilizes Bluetooth technology as well as WiFi and offers a detailed activity log for users to reference at any...
The RFID chip in the wristband is located inside the buckle of the bracelet. Locate the red program button on the RAPiD Safe. Press and release the button to begin programming the wristband. The first available program location will begin to blink. Hold the wristband buckle within 1” of the...