Derived from extensive testing by Hornady Manufacturing Company, the Hornady Security app allows users to monitor the lock and unlock status of their RAPiD® Safe Ready Vault. This app utilizes Bluetooth technology as well as WiFi and offers a detailed activity log for users to reference at any...
In a "normal" load with the bullet seated to allow about 1/32nd of an inch gap [Fig. 29] between the bullet and the initial contact with the rifling, pressure builds very smoothly and steadily even as the bullet takes the rifling. Pressure remains safe throughout the powder burning perio...
Polymer-tipped V-MAX® bullets deliver match accuracy, high ballistic coefficients, wind defying trajectories and rapid fragmentation upon contact. New for 2019:• 224 VALKYRIE 60 GR V-MAX®• 6.5 CREEDMOOR 95 GR V-MAX®NEW BULLETS...