7月29日下午,由14间香港知名资管机构、金融机构与专业机构联合创办的香港有限合伙基金协会(Hong Kong LPF Association),在香港投资推广署举行成立典礼。香港特区政府财政司司长陈茂波、投资推广署署长傅仲森(Stephen Phillips)、以及香港特区立法会、香港金融管理局等多位官员发表线下、线上祝福。香港数十位金融、法律和会...
The HKLPFA is the industry association guiding and promoting the Limited Partnership Fund (LPF) regime in Hong Kong. It is also part of the financial services infrastructure underpinning Hong Kong’s role as a vibrant global financial center and the Asia-Pacific hub for alternative investments. Th...
Hong Kong LPF: Advising several Hong Kong managers and multi-family offices on the structuring and establishment of the newly introduced Hong Kong limited partnership fund structure under the Hong Kong Limited Partnership Fund Ordinance, and related operational, regulatory and tax considerations; Hong ...