Honda Monkey 125「Bosozoku」by.Advanced Automotive Accessories 在改裝機車的世界裡,總有一些作品能讓人目瞪口呆,但這台來自泰國的Honda Monkey 125改裝車,不僅是對日本暴走族文化的致敬,更是一場視覺與歷史的雙重衝擊。這台機車,用它極致誇張的外觀和大膽的設計,把我們帶回了那個狂野不羈的時代。 Ziv 2025/...
交通部正式公布113年度臺灣新車安全評等(TNCAP)第四批兩款車型的評比結果:TESLA MODEL Y與HONDA CR-V皆獲得了五顆星的最高評價,成為本年度安全評比的焦點。 Ziv 2024/12/24 Honda GoldWing即將搭載光學雷達?Honda整合雷達、攝影機、光學雷達追求360度環景專利圖曝光 擁有「陸地上航空母艦」之稱的Honda GoldWing...
Motocross Enduro Red Mudguards Rear Fender Universal Protector Guards For Honda CRF CRM XR CR 125/150R/250/250R/450M/450R/650LUSD 7.63/piece Blue Motocross Front Fender Racing Mudguard Cover Guard for Honda Kawasaki Yamaha WR YZ TTR WRF 125 250 450 426 500 UniversalUSD 11.35/piece ...
**Enhanced Protection and Style** The For Honda CRF CR 125 250 450 R X RX CRF250 CRF450 CR125 93-2018 Supermoto Enduro White Plastic Fork Guard is a must-have accessory for riders looking to protect their front forks while adding a touch of style to their Honda dirt bike. Made from ...
像是這台CT125,全車外觀使用Freddie Spencer Race Replica的塗裝設計,另外還可以看到Keihin CR的化油器、乾式離合器、油冷排,前懸吊也疑似改為倒立式前叉、後Ohlins雙槍,搭配上Frando的輻射卡鉗。 除了跑格滿點的改裝作品之外,說到暴走族自然就少不了恨天高的加長坐墊、超高風鏡了,但當浮誇的風格縮小移植到Fun Bike上...
Handling good enough to keep up with an experienced guy on DRZ400 supermoto through really tight and bumpy Pyreneean and coastal roads. Engine pulls beautifully, nice torque for good elevated front wheel control take offs from Peages! (gendarmes very cool about it :O). Strengths: Engine, ...
HONDA CR5006 從仿賽變街霸!Honda CB1000 Hornet 火刃引擎重生揭秘。 將仿賽的引擎塞進街車車架,一直是打造高性能街頭猛獸的絕佳捷徑,早在2000年初,Honda 就靠著把 FireBlade 919cc 四缸引擎裝進 CB900F Hornet,開創了這股潮流;但隨著現代的排放法規愈加嚴格,這個曾經的「捷徑」如今可不再是簡單的事。 Ziv ...
For Yamaha WR250X (SUPERMOTO) 2008-2011For Yamaha WR400F 1998-2000For Yamaha WR426F 2001-2002For Yamaha WR450F 2003-2015 Notice: Ensure this part fits for your motorcycle before you place an orderNo instructions included, please ensure you are able to install before ordering.Please allow 1...
For Husaberg FE/TE 125-501 2009-2014 For Husqvarna TC/TE/FC/FE/TX/FX 125-501 2014-2024 For Husqvarna 701 Enduro/Supermoto 2016-2024 For Honda XR650L 1993-2024 For Honda CRF300L 2021-2023 For Beta 125-430 RR 2015-2024 For GasGas EX / EC / MC 125-300 2021-2024 ...
TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:Supermoto Complete Fairing Kit Bodywork Frame Cover Full Seat Side Panel Fender Guard For Honda CRF450R 09-12 CRF250R 2010-2013 PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: The brand of our product is micro dream.Our product belongs to covers & ornamental mouldings.Our product is from cn...